Garbage Disposal Cleaning Bombs

2 cups baking soda
1 cup salt
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup liquid Castile Soap
15 drops orange essential oil
15 drops peppermint essential oil

Combine baking soda and salt in a bowl, mix together.

Add soap and essential oils into the mixture, blend together.

Slowly add water to mix while stirring, the goal is a consistency like damp sand. You want the mixture to stay together when pressed together.

Too wet? Add more baking soda. Too dry? Add more water.

Do this until the consistency is correct. Form the mixture into balls with hands or use a tablespoon, pack it full of mixture and then place on wax paper.

Let balls or spoonfuls dry until harden, usually done in 24 hours.

Store in a large, recycled glass container and use the next time your disposal needs a cleaning! Just place one bomb into the disposal, turn on the water, and then turn on the disposal.